Gabby Sutter

Gaby Sutter is a smiling provider of goodwill, a great friend to those in need, and a fighter. She is a Cancer Survivor, brave, and undaunted by one challenging crisis after another, and she is determined to withstand the ravages of not only Cancer, but additional assaults from Lupus, Shingles, and an Anxiety Disorder.
Gaby, a Lupus victim, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, which was devastating since her father, mother and younger brother had all succumbed to cancer.
She developed a severe Anxiety Disorder after the deaths of both her parents-in-law and her mother, all of whom were in her care at the time.
Several years ago, Gaby contracted Shingles, which, because of her Lupus, compromises her immune system – now a permanent disability as the disease routinely flares up during stressful situations.
Gaby, a warm and giving person, welcomed her ailing mother-in-law and her father-in-law into her home to care for them. Her mother-in-law soon passed away, and Gaby’s full-time attention was devoted to her father-in-law, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and later succumbed to that illness.
To assist Gaby to recover from these tragic events, Gaby’s mother moved in, but after only a few years, Gaby’s mother began her own battle with cancer, ultimately passing in Gaby’s arms.
Still strong after this series of tragedies, Gaby once again assumed the caretaker mantle and began caring for a dear friend diagnosed with Alzheimer's – and unable to care for herself. Gaby, in spite of her own health issues, has cared for her friend for the past three years.
Recently, Gaby learned that she has breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy. Already under enormous stress, she worries about her own health, her friend’s care, and her husband.
Like most cancer patients, she worries about how to pay her monthly expenses while she undergoes treatment – causing her to miss work.
And, as with many struggling cancer patients, her deductible is enormous – $11,000, plus substantial co-pays.
Through all these challenges, she maintains a good sense of humor to ensure those around her are not saddened by her situation and health issues.
One of her very good friends is leading a cause to assist Gaby deal with the daunting financial challenge she will be facing for some time to come. It’s a slow process, and donations are few. Nonetheless, Gaby remains in good humor, and is up to the challenge.